I just about killed my computer. I picked up malware sometime yesterday at the library and managed to run it at home. Well, it installed itself, force rebooted the computer and loaded under the virus scanner and disabled it.

Then it proceeded to lock me out of any other scanning software, my modem and a bunch of other things got super-slow. So I reinstalled windows..or tried to. My internal cd player is dead, so I had to use my external one, but my computer won't boot off of that without help,so I ended up wiping and installing Ubuntu. Unfortunately, I can't get it to recognise my modem, nor does Grub (the bootloader) recognise cd boots. So I asked Dad to bring home the floppy drive and I'll hopefully force the Windows install disc to load that way. I hope.

Oh. And we're having wings and pizza for supper. on a good note ;).


  1. Wow Daniel - that sounds really terrible!

    Hope the wings and pizza were good!


  2. Did you find all the drivers after you reinstalled windows?

  3. Yup! Sure did. Of course, they're all Dell proprietary, so I can't run something like Linux without a lot of trouble. Dell's pretty Windows specific in that respect.

  4. Dell was putting Ubuntu on computers for a while, so they may have drivers.

  5. Totally, you guys. I so know what you mean.


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