Tree Cutting

Here's what we did BEFORE all those pictures of the media center were taken (on December 12):

Driving up to the National Forest near Redfeather Lakes

Drive to Redfeather LakesDrive to Redfeather Lakes
Drive to Redfeather LakesDad drove the highway up
Drive to Redfeather Lakes100% recycled house
We made Andrea drive with the chains

After parking

Hiking around

And the final product, taken not less than an hour ago


  1. Hey! Looks who's driving the truck!!!

  2. I would comment on the picures but they're taking forever to load so I only got the see the one of a hill somewhere and my having contortions zipping up my coat. I look really dumb in that picture.

    I was also sad that I can't get the Khan slideshow to load. That would be so AWESOME!!!

  3. Get a satelite card!

    Problem solved!

  4. The park looks lovely! Brings to mind happy memories of our time up there three years ago. ...can't believe it was actually that long ago...!


  5. Hi Daniel,

    I love the family photos of the ride and hike in the snow. There's just one problem...where's mom? I guess someone would have had to ride in the back of the truck right? Ha... I love photos.

    Mrs. G.

  6. :D Mom wasn't feeling festive enough, so she stayed home. But she DID help vacuum the pine needles that got in the carpet and all that.


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