Well I've been storing a few of my online pictures in MSN Groups. But that wasn't very good. It wastes a whole group, and I don't like MSN that much. So I've moved almost all of my web pictures to PicasaWeb. Since Blogger stores all uploaded folders there anyway, I figured I might as well try to consolidate. So, in short, I've created a new album called Webdev. It will contain pixel colors (I already have black and white there) and a few other pictures even you can use for web development.
To use them is a bit confusing. You need to go to My Webdev Album and click on the picture you want to view/link to. The pixel ones are a bit small, so you will have to have good eyesight to find them.
Next, on the right side, you will see a link called "Download photo." Right-click this link and "Copy Shortcut." Go to your source code and Ctrl-V into an <img> tag. Make sure you remove the "?imgdl=1" from the end of the pasted image source code. This will make sure the image shows up on your page rather than prompting the end user to download it. Hit refresh (F5) in your web browser and my image should show up on the web page. Cool, huh?
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