
So since Andrea made HER blog, I gained a few people who were interested in MY blog. But now nobody comments!! I might go and pout or sulk or something.

PLEASE go comment? I really like REAL comments. All I get now-days are junk email-like comments advertising things. Or some foreigner who can't speak a lick of proper English telling me about a school assignment? Now THAT'S a confusing name, no sense in the comment at all, but it isn't junk advertising either, so I don't know what to make of it.

All in all, I don't get worthwhile commenting at all! And I really want to hear what you have to say.




  1. HI! I'm commenting on your comment! And here's a note for you to go check the comment I left on another post!

    Interesting thoughts on the last couple of posts!

  2. I started following your sister blog last year,so I figured I might as well follow yours.
    I'll try to keep the comments coming.

  3. Blaine wrote on 3-28-10:
    I started following your sister blog last year,so I figured I might as well follow yours.
    I'll try to keep the comments coming.

  4. Andrea wrote on 3-30-10:
    Here you go.

  5. Abigail wrote on 3-25-10:
    HI! I'm commenting on your comment! And here's a note for you to go check the comment I left on another post!

    Interesting thoughts on the last couple of posts!


Comment loud, comment often. But comment on the content!

All comments are filtered through to my email, so your spam will never make it. Unless, of course, you wanted to try injection attacks into my email, which would probably not happen since Blogger just tells me that a comment is awaiting moderation and doesn't bother to tell me what it says. I trust Blogger like that..