
Alright yew people.  I've decided that my website is getting really boring.  You can see how boring here. The story writer is not being hit at all, hardly (probably because of the password protection).  If anyone has any ideas on what to add to it, shoot me (the webmaster) an email on I check it about once every three months, but I hope to fix that soon.

Anyhow, here's a note of pleading: don't send me any ideas on the elephant joke fanclub. I can't make database stuff work perfectly yet, nor do I have the time to try and figure it out. When I get it up and running better, I'll let ya'll know when you can send me requests for that. In the meantime, I'd say stick with feature requests revolving around html, asp, javascript and that sort of thing. Just databases are out.

I'll even accept requests for design changes if you so desire. A blue background with a simple table isn't my idea of a cool interface, although you must admit, it is CLEAN.

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