Merry Christmas

So day after Thanksgiving is when you break out Christmas stuff, right? Well in keeping with my little thing (I won't call it a tradition), last year, I've changed up my blogger template to a Christmast theme. except this year I have a ton more knowledge of CSS, and so I've been able to pull off some pretty funky effects. And besides that I created a new background image (the star), so it isn't so boring now.

I will STILL not break and use cute pastel backgrounds and things, because that's lame. Nor will I upgrade to the new Rails-style templates that they have in the blogger template builder. I'm sticking with the old Minimal Black style by Douglas Bowman, and changing up the css colors and background images. So enjoy! I've got backups of my old style, so that'll be coming back in about a month and a half. ;)

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