
I just realized something. Linerider has profiles just like Youtube channels (which I am obsessed with, as you probably have already guessed). So, to see all of my videos, vote for them and stuff, I would suggest going to this link:


Linerider Videos

I've just discovered a sweet new game called Linerider. Probably you've already heard of it...

You can check out the website:

I recorded it using the open-source software CamStudio. It's awesome, because the framerate is something like 60fps, which none of the other screen capture video programs do very well. It plays back a bit fast, but hey, as long as it's smooth, I'm happy.

Okay, well, anyway, here's the video:

Been a while

Wow it's been a while since I did anything here I be. Doing whatever. And what might you all be doing? Nothing I assume. So there. Have fun doing whatever you're doing.

School's out and I'm working full days (finally).

New Videos

Why do I even bother letting you know about these things? Never mind. We've got new videos, and the newest has been deemed "HILARIOUS" according to a friend from church, who gave me five stars on it (oh yeah, uh huh, oh yeah (DISCO LINGO)).

Anyway, here it is:

My Youtube Channel


Okay, so I've left the playlists on here, and with my resizing scheme, it looks as if they are going to work. So I'm not going to take them back down. Enjoy them from the privacy of my own blog and avoid the advertisements that so easily plague us. Sounds biblical


84% on a math test.  Wow I haven't done that well since, well, College Algebra three or four years ago.  This brings my average for Calc 2 up to 82.5%.  Looks like I might just pass the class (and get a high GPA to boot). 
Anyway, it's Christie's birthday, so check out for the latest videos (one of which we recorded last night for the birthday and the very newest that we did a couple months ago).  Everyone who's seen the basketball video has just about laughed their heads off.  So hope you enjoy that one too.  I'll keep the birthday video featured for a little while, then I'll go back to the "most recent."
Cowman update:  it is NOT coming along.  The director is fairly busy with her senior year of high-school, so she hasn't had much time to mix any of the videos.  But hopefully I can get ahold of MY legos so that I can work on a video of my own (yeah right).
That's all for now.

Note to Author

For Youtube embeds, turn off "Enable Float Alignment" under Customize>Settings>Formatting
    All playlists should be embedded with "width=350," and "height=300" on both the object AND embed tag
    Single video embeds are defaulted to 400x300 for now, although I think that the above "350x300" will work for those too. 
These are approximate sizes, as you will have a little bit of margin on the sides, but not enough to worry about.  The thing I'm not liking is Youtube's default sizing, which somehow chops off the sides of the player and in some cases shifts the player over so much that half of it has disappeared.  So far this is working.  I'll test this for a couple of months and see how it turns out.

Email Post

If this works, I will be really happy.  Because I don't have to login to post a new entry.  This is an email post (if you couldn't already tell from the title).  Great day and stuff.  I'm finally catching up on work and I'm starting to get ahead of the work, which gives me time to prepare for more work to make it more efficient when it really does come up.
Efficiency is a big thing with me right now.  I've found that if you are on the computer and are doing something over and over, you should be able to write a program or some-such to do/store all this repetitive work for you.
That's all.

MSN Group

MSN Group - Source of pictures

Fall Festival

For all you kiddos in Northern Colorado: Resurrection Fellowship in North Loveland is having their annual fall festival. And I'm going to be helping with the building of the human maze. The last two years it has been way overboard (taking up rooms upon rooms upon basements upon auditoriums, etc). So we are toning down this year in order that no one gets lost. So tomorrow night we're setting up and it should be a good old time on Wednesday night.

Cowman Preview

The Cowman Preview is up and running. Just a quick update...filming **in the generic sense of the word** for scenes 1-13 are finished. All we have to do is produce the clips (but since they're animation clips, it's actually a simple fast slideshow). I'll be uploading whenever all filming and animation is completed, whenever that is.

New Videos

New Videos coming soon. Monday, perhaps. The co-animator is making me a preview for Cowman. This is gonna be awesome. I'll get it uploaded sometime next week (probably Monday), since I don't have high-speed Internet at home, and even if I did the service we have blocks uTube. So we'll get it all up and running later.

My Youtube channel


And I'll also embed the "Misc Videos" player here too. Enjoy!

View this playlist in Youtube


I've finally discovered Youtube's user profile. I've had one for a while, but I finally decided to start uploading my videos. Here's the full-length feature animation of a Star Trek Spoof I did in July, 2007. Acutally it was done by me AND my sister, and she should get some credit. Oh, and also, she's coming out with a new one called Cowman (Batman spoof). Maybe I'll get ahold of the preview for it. It's the greatest. But that's for another day, and another link.

Galactic Conflicts Playlist


This is the first post. I will also be posting in conjunction with Also, you can see the latest, greatest 5 at the bottom of the stuff!