Okay, so we're back from Mississippi (actually almost a month now). We got back on August 7, and I haven't gotten back to this thing until now. It was REALLY FUN!!
On another note, I've started two websites. Google Webmaster Tools says that linking between sites increases publicity and ranking, so here we go: http://ppsstudios.brinkster.net and http://www33.websamba.com/ppsstudios/. Brinkster will be the main one for now, although I just discovered that they're sticking invisible ad tags on the bottom of all my pages, so I can't use sitemap and things like that. Oh well. Anyway, the most in-depth thing on there is probably going to be the Elephant Joke Fan Club. Only members can see the real pages, and it isn't too in-depth yet. The idea is that if you like elephant jokes in the right way, we'll consider letting you in, but if you just plain don't get them at all (they don't make sense), you can't belong. Whatever.